Community service hours: 12 out of 12 As November comes to an end, I can't help but reflect on how grateful I am for this program. This program has truly been an awesome experience for me. I’ve met some great people virtually, I got more involved in my community, and I also retained some useful material we learned about this semester. Now that the semester is over, I'm looking forward to taking a well-deserved, much needed break because I know that January is going to come fast. I am very impressed with my performance this semester to say the least, coming from a non-science background. My biggest helpers were Quizlet & Anki flash cards, they helped me out a ton! We recently finished the GI & Neoplasia module and I can say what has stuck with me the most is the origin of peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcers come from a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. Many times growing up we hear people say crazy things like “don’t each too much spicy food, it’ll cause stomach ulcers”